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rex - generator of lexical analysers  


rex [ -options ] [ -ldir ] [ file ]  


Rex generates programs to be used in lexical analysis of text. A typical application is the generation of scanners for compilers. The input file contains regular expressions to be searched for, and actions written in C or Modula-2 to be executed when strings according to the expressions are found. Unrecognized portions of the input are copied to standard output. To be able to recognize tokens depending on their context, Rex provides start states to handle left context and the right context can be specified by an additional regular expression. If several regular expressions match the input characters, the longest match is preferred. If there are still several possibilities, the regular expression given first in the specification is chosen.

Rex generated scanners automatically provide the line and column position of each token. For languages like Pascal and Ada where the case of letters is insignificant tokens can be normalized to lower or upper case. There are predefined rules to skip white space like blanks, tabs, or newlines and there is a mechanism to handle include files. The generated scanners are table-driven deterministic finite automatons.  


generate all (= sdm)
generate a lexical analyser in Modula-2 (default)
generate a lexical analyser in C
generate a definition module for the lexical analyser
generate support modules:
- a source module for input
- a main program to be used as test driver
reduce the number of generated case/switch labels. Might be necessary due to compiler restrictions. Effects: slower scanner (2-4%), larger tables, same scanner size.
use ISO 8 bit code (default: ASCII 7 bit code)
optimize table size
Effects: slower scanner (0-15%), small tables, long generation time (factor 1-10)
do not optimize table size
Effects: fast scanner, large tables (factor 1-10), short generation time
default: improve table size
Effects: slower scanner (0-5%), medium size tables (factor 1-2), medium generation time (factor 1-2)
suppress warnings
generate # line directives
do not partition charcater set into blocks
print statistics about the generated lexical analyser
dir is the directory where Rex finds its table and data files


if output is in C:

<Scanner>.h         specification of the generated scanner
<Scanner>.c         body of the generated scanner
<Scanner>Source.h   specification of support module source
<Scanner>Source.c   body of support module source
<Scanner>Drv.c      main program to serve as test driver

if output is in Modula-2:

<Scanner>.md        definition module of the generated scanner
<Scanner>.mi        implementation module of the generated scanner
<Scanner>  definition module of support module source
<Scanner>Source.mi  implementation module of support module source
<Scanner>Drv.mi     main program to serve as test driver
<Scanner>.Tab       tables to control the generated scanner


J. Grosch: "Rex - A Scanner Generator", GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitaet Karlsruhe, Compiler Generation Report No. 5, 1987

J. Grosch: "Efficient Generation of Lexical Analysers", Software - Practice & Experience, 19 (11), 1089-1103, Nov. 1989 Rex is implemented by a 5,000 line Modula-2 program. The program makes heavy use of a library of reusable Modula-2 modules currently comprising 3,000 lines of code [Gro87]. Of the 5,000 lines of Rex 1,500 lines are generated by tools: 500 lines for the scanner are generated by Rex itself. 1000 lines for the parser are generated by the LALR(1) parser generator How can Rex generate a part of itself before its existence? Well, the scanner has been bootstrapped using LEX. The first version of the scanner was a separate C program generated by LEX which wrote the internal representation of the tokens on a file. A simple hand written scanner read the tokens from this file during construction of Rex. After Rex was operational it could generate its own scanner in Modula-2. And how is Rex working? It differentiates between constant regular expressions and non-constant ones as defined in [Gro89]. The non-constant regular expressions constitute a nondeterministic finite automaton. The so-called subset construction algorithm is used for conversion into a deterministic finite automaton. Then an algorithm to minimize the number of states is applied. After extending the automaton to a tunnel automaton the constant regular expressions are added in linear time using the algorithm described in [Gro89]. The sparse matrix to control the automaton is compressed into a data structure called "comb vector" [ASU86] to save space. The key to the performance of scanners generated by Rex lies in the following facts: access to the "comb vector" table is fast input happens rarely because blocks of characters are transferred no check for the last character of a block is necessary because of the sentinel technique used the same holds for the check of stack underflow for the stack to record the passed states the treatment of right context is efficient and only necessary in a few cases because partial evaluation has been applied Some specialists might want to know about the differences between Rex and LEX [Les75] (see Table):

Table: Syntactical differences between Rex and LEX:


delimiter for character classes[ ]{ }
complement of character classes[^ ]- { }
any character.ANY
left justification^<
right justification$>
delimiter for start states< ># #
escape representation for characters\\\\\\\\octal\\\\\\\\decimal
scanner routineyylex<Scanner>_GetToken
access to matched stringyytext<Scanner>_GetWord ( )
length of matched stringyylengresult of <Scanner>_GetWord ( )
output of matched stringECHOyyEcho
retain part of matched stringyylessyyLess
initial start stateINITIALSTD
change of start stateBEGINyyStart ( )
Advantages of Rex: The standard or initial start state has a documented name: STD. The list of start states can be inverted using the operator NOT to specify that a rule is valid in all states except the listed ones. The specifications can be written unformatted - white space in the form of blanks, tabs, and newlines is skipped. Identifiers used to refer to named regular expressions are written without enclosing braces '{' '}'. Rex automatically calculates the source position of the tokens in the fields Line and Column of the variable <Scanner>_Attribute. There are predefined rules to skip the white space characters. Include files up to a nesting depth of 15 can be processed. Routines are provided to normalize tokens to upper or lower case characters. No adjustment of the internal data structures are necessary to be able to process large specifications. Disadvantages of Rex: The action statement yymore is not available. The action statement REJECT is not available - Rex can only find one solution and not all like LEX. The redirection of input with the procedure yywrap is not available. The character set is fixed to the one of the host computer. There is no way to specify a different character set to be able to generate scanners for target computers with a different character set.

specification   : [name] [code] [define] [start] rules
name            : SCANNER [Ident]
code            :
                | code EXPORT  TargetCode
                | code GLOBAL  TargetCode
                | code LOCAL   TargetCode
                | code BEGIN   TargetCode
                | code CLOSE   TargetCode
                | code DEFAULT TargetCode
                | code EOF     TargetCode
define          : DEFINE definition *
start           : START identList
rules           : RULE  rule *
                | RULES rule *
definition      : Ident '=' regExpr '.'
identList       : Ident
                | identList Ident
                | identList ',' Ident
rule            : patternList ':'  TargetCode
                | patternList ':-' TargetCode
patternList     : pattern
                | patternList ',' pattern
pattern         : [startStates] ['<'] regExpr ['/' regExpr] ['>']
startStates     : '#' identList '#'
                | NOT '#' identList '#'
regExpr         : regExpr '|' regExpr
                | regExpr regExpr
                | regExpr '+'
                | regExpr '*'
                | regExpr '?'
                | regExpr '[' Number ']'
                | regExpr '[' Number '-' Number ']'
                | '(' regExpr ')'
                | charSet
                | Char
                | Ident
                | String
                | Number
charSet         : '-' charSet
                | '{' range * '}'
range           : Char
                | Char '-' Char
Char            : character
                | '\' digit +
                | '\' n
                | '\' t
                | '\' v
                | '\' b
                | '\' r
                | '\' f
                | '\' character
Ident           : letter letter_or_digit *
letter_or_digit : letter
                | digit
                | '_'
String          : '"' character * '"'
Number          : digit +
Target_code     : '{' character * '}' 

# include "Memory.h"
# include "StringMem.h"
# include "Idents.h"

int level = 0;

void ErrorAttribute (Token, Attribute)
   int Token;
   tScanAttribute Attribute;

   char         Word [256];
   tIdent       ident   ;
   tStringRef   ref     ;
   int          length  ;

   printf ("illegal character: "); yyEcho; printf ("\n");


   digit        = {0-9}         .
   letter       = {a-z A-Z}     .
   cmt          = - {*(\t\n}    .

START   comment

           "(*"         :- {++ level; yyStart (comment);}
#comment#  "*)"         :- {-- level; if (level == 0) yyStart (STD);}
#comment#  "(" | "*" | cmt + :- {}

   /* The procedure PutString is imported from the module StringMem(ory).
      It is used to store the string representation of some tokens.       */

#STD# digit +           ,
#STD# digit + / ".."    : {length = GetWord (Word);
                           ref = PutString (Word, length);
                           return 1;}
#STD# {0-7} + B         : {length = GetWord (Word);
                           ref = PutString (Word, length);
                           return 2;}
#STD# {0-7} + C         : {length = GetWord (Word);
                           ref = PutString (Word, length);
                           return 3;}
#STD# digit {0-9 A-F} * H : {
                           length = GetWord (Word);
                           ref = PutString (Word, length);
                           return 4;}
#STD# digit + "." digit * (E {+\-} ? digit +) ? : {
                           length = GetWord (Word);
                           ref = PutString (Word, length);
                           return 5;}

#STD# ' - {\n'} * '     |
      \" - {\n"} * \"   : {length = GetWord (Word);
                           ref = PutString (Word, length);
                           return 6;}

#STD# "#"               : {return 7;}
#STD# "&"               : {return 8;}
#STD# "("               : {return 9;}
#STD# ")"               : {return 10;}
#STD# "*"               : {return 11;}
#STD# "+"               : {return 12;}
#STD# ","               : {return 13;}
#STD# "-"               : {return 14;}
#STD# "."               : {return 15;}
#STD# ".."              : {return 16;}
#STD# "/"               : {return 17;}
#STD# ":"               : {return 18;}
#STD# ":="              : {return 19;}
#STD# ";"               : {return 20;}
#STD# "<"               : {return 21;}
#STD# "<="              : {return 22;}
#STD# "<>"              : {return 23;}
#STD# "="               : {return 24;}
#STD# ">"               : {return 25;}
#STD# ">="              : {return 26;}
#STD# "["               : {return 27;}
#STD# "]"               : {return 28;}
#STD# "^"               : {return 29;}
#STD# "{"               : {return 30;}
#STD# "|"               : {return 31;}
#STD# "}"               : {return 32;}
#STD# "~"               : {return 33;}

#STD# AND               : {return 34;}
#STD# ARRAY             : {return 35;}
#STD# BEGIN             : {return 36;}
#STD# BY                : {return 37;}
#STD# CASE              : {return 38;}
#STD# CONST             : {return 39;}
#STD# DEFINITION        : {return 40;}
#STD# DIV               : {return 41;}
#STD# DO                : {return 42;}
#STD# ELSE              : {return 43;}
#STD# ELSIF             : {return 44;}
#STD# END               : {return 45;}
#STD# EXIT              : {return 46;}
#STD# EXPORT            : {return 47;}
#STD# FOR               : {return 48;}
#STD# FROM              : {return 49;}
#STD# IF                : {return 50;}
#STD# IMPLEMENTATION    : {return 51;}
#STD# IMPORT            : {return 52;}
#STD# IN                : {return 53;}
#STD# LOOP              : {return 54;}
#STD# MOD               : {return 55;}
#STD# MODULE            : {return 56;}
#STD# \NOT              : {return 57;}
#STD# OF                : {return 58;}
#STD# OR                : {return 59;}
#STD# POINTER           : {return 60;}
#STD# PROCEDURE         : {return 61;}
#STD# QUALIFIED         : {return 62;}
#STD# RECORD            : {return 63;}
#STD# REPEAT            : {return 64;}
#STD# RETURN            : {return 65;}
#STD# SET               : {return 66;}
#STD# THEN              : {return 67;}
#STD# TO                : {return 68;}
#STD# TYPE              : {return 69;}
#STD# UNTIL             : {return 70;}
#STD# VAR               : {return 71;}
#STD# WHILE             : {return 72;}
#STD# WITH              : {return 73;}

#STD# letter (letter | digit) * : {
                           ident = MakeIdent (TokenPtr, TokenLength);
                           return 74;}

   FROM Strings         IMPORT tString          ;
   FROM StringMem       IMPORT tStringRef       , PutString     ;
   FROM Idents          IMPORT tIdent           , MakeIdent     ;

   VAR level            : CARDINAL;

   PROCEDURE ErrorAttribute (Token: INTEGER; VAR Attribute: tScanAttribute);
      END ErrorAttribute;

      Word              : tString;
      ident             : tIdent;
      ref               : tStringRef;

BEGIN   { level := 0; }

IO.WriteS (IO.StdOutput, "illegal character: "); yyEcho; IO.WriteNl (IO.StdOutput);


   digit        = {0-9}         .
   letter       = {a-z A-Z}     .
   cmt          = - {*(\t\n}    .

START   comment

           "(*"         :- {INC (level); yyStart (comment);}
#comment#  "*)"         :- {DEC (level); IF level = 0 THEN yyStart (STD); END;}
#comment#  "(" | "*" | cmt + :- {}

#STD# digit +           ,
#STD# digit + / ".."    : {GetWord (Word);
                           ref := PutString (Word);
                           RETURN 1;}
#STD# {0-7} + B         : {GetWord (Word);
                           ref := PutString (Word);
                           RETURN 2;}
#STD# {0-7} + C         : {GetWord (Word);
                           ref := PutString (Word);
                           RETURN 3;}
#STD# digit {0-9 A-F} * H : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           ref := PutString (Word);
                           RETURN 4;}
#STD# digit + "." digit * (E {+\-} ? digit +) ? : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           ref := PutString (Word);
                           RETURN 5;}

#STD# ' - {\n'} * '     |
      \" - {\n"} * \"   : {GetWord (Word);
                           ref := PutString (Word);
                           RETURN 6;}

#STD# "#"               : {RETURN 7;}
#STD# "&"               : {RETURN 8;}
#STD# "("               : {RETURN 9;}
#STD# ")"               : {RETURN 10;}
#STD# "*"               : {RETURN 11;}
#STD# "+"               : {RETURN 12;}
#STD# ","               : {RETURN 13;}
#STD# "-"               : {RETURN 14;}
#STD# "."               : {RETURN 15;}
#STD# ".."              : {RETURN 16;}
#STD# "/"               : {RETURN 17;}
#STD# ":"               : {RETURN 18;}
#STD# ":="              : {RETURN 19;}
#STD# ";"               : {RETURN 20;}
#STD# "<"               : {RETURN 21;}
#STD# "<="              : {RETURN 22;}
#STD# "<>"              : {RETURN 23;}
#STD# "="               : {RETURN 24;}
#STD# ">"               : {RETURN 25;}
#STD# ">="              : {RETURN 26;}
#STD# "["               : {RETURN 27;}
#STD# "]"               : {RETURN 28;}
#STD# "^"               : {RETURN 29;}
#STD# "{"               : {RETURN 30;}
#STD# "|"               : {RETURN 31;}
#STD# "}"               : {RETURN 32;}
#STD# "~"               : {RETURN 33;}

#STD# AND               : {RETURN 34;}
#STD# ARRAY             : {RETURN 35;}
#STD# BEGIN             : {RETURN 36;}
#STD# BY                : {RETURN 37;}
#STD# CASE              : {RETURN 38;}
#STD# CONST             : {RETURN 39;}
#STD# DEFINITION        : {RETURN 40;}
#STD# DIV               : {RETURN 41;}
#STD# DO                : {RETURN 42;}
#STD# ELSE              : {RETURN 43;}
#STD# ELSIF             : {RETURN 44;}
#STD# END               : {RETURN 45;}
#STD# EXIT              : {RETURN 46;}
#STD# EXPORT            : {RETURN 47;}
#STD# FOR               : {RETURN 48;}
#STD# FROM              : {RETURN 49;}
#STD# IF                : {RETURN 50;}
#STD# IMPORT            : {RETURN 52;}
#STD# IN                : {RETURN 53;}
#STD# LOOP              : {RETURN 54;}
#STD# MOD               : {RETURN 55;}
#STD# MODULE            : {RETURN 56;}
#STD# \NOT              : {RETURN 57;}
#STD# OF                : {RETURN 58;}
#STD# OR                : {RETURN 59;}
#STD# POINTER           : {RETURN 60;}
#STD# PROCEDURE         : {RETURN 61;}
#STD# QUALIFIED         : {RETURN 62;}
#STD# RECORD            : {RETURN 63;}
#STD# REPEAT            : {RETURN 64;}
#STD# RETURN            : {RETURN 65;}
#STD# SET               : {RETURN 66;}
#STD# THEN              : {RETURN 67;}
#STD# TO                : {RETURN 68;}
#STD# TYPE              : {RETURN 69;}
#STD# UNTIL             : {RETURN 70;}
#STD# VAR               : {RETURN 71;}
#STD# WHILE             : {RETURN 72;}
#STD# WITH              : {RETURN 73;}

#STD# letter (letter | digit) * : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           ident := MakeIdent (Word);
                           RETURN 74;}


FROM Idents     IMPORT tIdent   ;
FROM StringMem  IMPORT tStringRef;
FROM Texts      IMPORT tText    ;
FROM Positions  IMPORT tPosition;

   tScanAttribute       = RECORD
              Position  : tPosition     ;
         CASE : INTEGER OF
         | 1: Ident     : tIdent        ;
         | 2: Number    : SHORTCARD     ;
         | 3: String    : tStringRef    ;
         | 4: Ch        : CHAR          ;
         | 5: Text      : tText         ;

PROCEDURE ErrorAttribute (Token: INTEGER; VAR Attribute: tScanAttribute);


FROM Strings    IMPORT tString, Concatenate, Char, SubString,
                        StringToInt, AssignEmpty, Length;
FROM Texts      IMPORT MakeText, Append;
FROM StringMem  IMPORT tStringRef, PutString;
FROM Idents     IMPORT tIdent, MakeIdent, NoIdent;
FROM Errors     IMPORT ErrorMessage, Error;
FROM ScanGen    IMPORT Language, tLanguage;
FROM Positions  IMPORT tPosition;

   SymIdent             = 1     ;
   SymNumber            = 2     ;
   SymString            = 3     ;
   SymChar              = 4     ;
   SymTargetcode        = 5     ;
   SymScanner           = 37    ;
   SymExport            = 32    ;
   SymGlobal            = 6     ;
   SymLocal             = 31    ;
   SymBegin             = 7     ;
   SymClose             = 8     ;
   SymEof               = 34    ;
   SymDefault           = 36    ;
   SymDefine            = 9     ;
   SymStart             = 10    ;
   SymRules             = 11    ;
   SymNot               = 30    ;
   SymDot               = 12    ;
   SymComma             = 13    ;
   SymEqual             = 14    ;
   SymColon             = 15    ;
   SymColonMinus        = 35    ;
   SymNrSign            = 33    ;
   SymSlash             = 16    ;
   SymBar               = 17    ;
   SymPlus              = 18    ;
   SymMinus             = 19    ;
   SymAsterisk          = 20    ;
   SymQuestion          = 21    ;
   SymLParen            = 22    ;
   SymRParen            = 23    ;
   SymLBracket          = 24    ;
   SymRBracket          = 25    ;
   SymLBrace            = 26    ;
   SymRBrace            = 27    ;
   SymLess              = 28    ;
   SymGreater           = 29    ;

   BraceMissing         = 13    ;
   UnclosedComment      = 14    ;
   UnclosedString       = 16    ;

   level        : INTEGER       ;
   string       : tString       ;
   NoString     : tStringRef    ;
   Position     : tPosition     ;

PROCEDURE ErrorAttribute (Token: INTEGER; VAR Attribute: tScanAttribute);
      CASE Token OF
      |  SymIdent       : Attribute.Ident  := NoIdent;
      |  SymNumber      : Attribute.Number := 0;
      |  SymString      : Attribute.String := NoString;
      |  SymChar        : Attribute.Ch     := '?';
      |  SymTargetcode  : MakeText (Attribute.Text);
   END ErrorAttribute;

LOCAL   { VAR TargetCode, String, Word: tString; PrevState: SHORTCARD; }

   level := 0;
   AssignEmpty (string);
   NoString := PutString (string);

EOF     {
   CASE yyStartState OF
   | targetcode ,
     set        : ErrorMessage (BraceMissing    , Error, Attribute.Position);
   | comment    : ErrorMessage (UnclosedComment , Error, Attribute.Position);
   | CStr1, CStr2,
     Str1, Str2 : ErrorMessage (UnclosedString  , Error, Attribute.Position);
   yyStart (STD);

   letter       = {A-Z a-z}     .
   digit        = {0-9}         .
   string       = - {"\n}       .
   cmtch        = - {*\t\n}     .
   code         = - {{\}\t\n\\'"} .
   StrCh1       = - {'\t\n}     .
   StrCh2       = - {"\t\n}     .
   CStrCh1      = - {'\t\n\\}   .
   CStrCh2      = - {"\t\n\\}   .

START targetcode, set, rules, comment, Str1, Str2, CStr1, CStr2


#targetcode#    "{"     : {
                           IF level = 0 THEN
                              MakeText (Attribute.Text);
                              AssignEmpty (TargetCode);
                              Position := Attribute.Position;
                              GetWord (Word);
                              Concatenate (TargetCode, Word);
                           INC (level);

#targetcode#    "}"     :- {
                           DEC (level);
                           IF level = 0 THEN
                              yyStart (PrevState);
                              Append (Attribute.Text, TargetCode);
                              Attribute.Position := Position;
                              RETURN SymTargetcode;
                              GetWord (Word);
                              Concatenate (TargetCode, Word);

#targetcode#    code +  :- {
                           IF level > 0 THEN
                              GetWord (Word);
                              Concatenate (TargetCode, Word);

#targetcode#    \t      :- {
                           IF level > 0 THEN
                              Strings.Append (TargetCode, 11C);

#targetcode#    \n      :- {
                           IF level > 0 THEN
                              Append (Attribute.Text, TargetCode);
                              AssignEmpty (TargetCode);
                           yyEol (0);

#targetcode#    \\ ANY  :- {
                           IF level > 0 THEN
                              GetWord (Word);
                              Strings.Append (TargetCode, Char (Word, 2));

#targetcode#    \\      :- {
                           IF level > 0 THEN
                              Strings.Append (TargetCode, '\');

#targetcode#    '       : {
                           GetWord (String);
                           IF Language = C
                           THEN yyStart (CStr1);
                           ELSE yyStart (Str1);

#targetcode#    \"      : {
                           GetWord (String);
                           IF Language = C
                           THEN yyStart (CStr2);
                           ELSE yyStart (Str2);

#Str1#  StrCh1 +        ,
#Str2#  StrCh2 +        ,
#CStr1# CStrCh1 + | \\ ANY ? ,
#CStr2# CStrCh2 + | \\ ANY ? :- {GetWord (Word); Concatenate (String, Word);}

#CStr1# \\ \n           ,
#CStr2# \\ \n           :- {GetWord (Word); Concatenate (String, Word); yyEol (0);}

#Str1, CStr1# '         ,
#Str2, CStr2# \"        :- {Strings.Append (String, Char (String, 1));
                            yyPrevious; Concatenate (TargetCode, String);

#Str1, Str2, CStr1, CStr2# \t :- {Strings.Append (String, 11C); yyTab;}

#Str1, Str2, CStr1, CStr2# \n :- {
                            ErrorMessage (UnclosedString, Error, Attribute.Position);
                            Strings.Append (String, Char (String, 1));
                            yyEol (0); yyPrevious; Concatenate (TargetCode, String);

#STD, rules#    "/*"    :- {yyStart (comment)   ;}
#comment#       "*" | cmtch +   :- {}
#comment#       "*/"    :- {yyPrevious          ;}

#STD#           EXPORT  : {PrevState := STD; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymExport     ;}
#STD#           GLOBAL  : {PrevState := STD; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymGlobal     ;}
#STD#           LOCAL   : {PrevState := STD; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymLocal      ;}
#STD#           BEGIN   : {PrevState := STD; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymBegin      ;}
#STD#           CLOSE   : {PrevState := STD; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymClose      ;}
#STD#           DEFAULT : {PrevState := STD; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymDefault    ;}
#STD#           EOF     : {PrevState := STD; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymEof        ;}
#STD#           SCANNER : {RETURN SymScanner    ;}
#STD#           DEFINE  : {RETURN SymDefine     ;}
#STD#           START   : {RETURN SymStart      ;}
#STD#           RULE S ?: {yyStart (rules);     RETURN SymRules         ;}
#rules#         \NOT    : {RETURN SymNot        ;}

#STD, rules#    letter (letter | digit | _) * : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           Attribute.Ident  := MakeIdent (Word);
                           RETURN SymIdent;

#STD, rules#    digit + : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           Attribute.Number := StringToInt (Word);
                           RETURN SymNumber;

#STD, rules#    \" string * \" : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           SubString (Word, 2, Length (Word) - 1, TargetCode);
                           Attribute.String := PutString (TargetCode);
                           RETURN SymString;

#STD#           "."     : {RETURN SymDot        ;}
#STD#           "="     : {RETURN SymEqual      ;}
#STD, set#      "}"     : {yyPrevious;          RETURN SymRBrace        ;}
#STD, set, rules# "-"   : {RETURN SymMinus      ;}
#STD, rules#    ","     : {RETURN SymComma      ;}
#STD, rules#    "|"     : {RETURN SymBar        ;}
#STD, rules#    "+"     : {RETURN SymPlus       ;}
#STD, rules#    "*"     : {RETURN SymAsterisk   ;}
#STD, rules#    "?"     : {RETURN SymQuestion   ;}
#STD, rules#    "("     : {RETURN SymLParen     ;}
#STD, rules#    ")"     : {RETURN SymRParen     ;}
#STD, rules#    "["     : {RETURN SymLBracket   ;}
#STD, rules#    "]"     : {RETURN SymRBracket   ;}
#STD, rules#    "{"     : {yyStart (set);       RETURN SymLBrace        ;}
#rules#         "#"     : {RETURN SymNrSign     ;}
#rules#         "/"     : {RETURN SymSlash      ;}
#rules#         "<"     : {RETURN SymLess       ;}
#rules#         ">"     : {RETURN SymGreater    ;}
#rules#         ":"     : {PrevState := rules; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymColon      ;}
#rules#         ":-"    : {PrevState := rules; yyStart (targetcode);
                           RETURN SymColonMinus ;}

#STD, set, rules# \\ n  : {Attribute.Ch := 012C; RETURN SymChar;}
#STD, set, rules# \\ t  : {Attribute.Ch := 011C; RETURN SymChar;}
#STD, set, rules# \\ v  : {Attribute.Ch := 013C; RETURN SymChar;}
#STD, set, rules# \\ b  : {Attribute.Ch := 010C; RETURN SymChar;}
#STD, set, rules# \\ r  : {Attribute.Ch := 015C; RETURN SymChar;}
#STD, set, rules# \\ f  : {Attribute.Ch := 014C; RETURN SymChar;}

#STD, set, rules# \\ digit + : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           SubString (Word, 2, Length (Word), TargetCode);
                           Attribute.Ch := CHR (CARDINAL (StringToInt (TargetCode)));
                           RETURN SymChar;

#STD, set, rules# \\ ANY : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           Attribute.Ch := Char (Word, 2);
                           RETURN SymChar;

#STD, set, rules# - {\t\n\ \f\r} : {
                           GetWord (Word);
                           Attribute.Ch := Char (Word, 1);
                           RETURN SymChar;

\f                      :- {}
\r                      :- {}

[ [ [ [




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Time: 00:38:28 GMT, March 30, 2022